Journey to Judge: Researching Ona Judge

Lately, I have been doing some research and development for a program I am going to be in this fall: I will be portraying Ona Judge, the enslaved girl who successfully ran away from George and Martha Washington in 1796. Mount Vernon The actual runaway advert. in the paper Here's a little bit of a background on Ona Judge. Ona was born on June 1773 at Mount Vernon, Virginia to Betty (an enslaved seamstress to Martha Washington), and Andrew Judge (a welsh Indentured servant and tailor to George Washington). When Ona was old enough to start her duties she was appointed as Martha Washington's personal maid and traveled with her during her years as the 1st Lady to the north such as New York and Philadelphia. However since Philadelphia was more progressive and even had a law that stated that any enslaved person in bondage under 6 months were immediately manumitted. The Washington's were afraid of losing their slaves to this law and would send Ona and the other ...