Black History Month: Fashion Through the Ages

Hey Readers, I know I am SO late in making a post about Black History Month (please forgive me, but better late than never right?) Anyway in deciding on what to do my subject on for BHM, I thought about it really hard. What would be the best topic to talk about? That's when it finally hit me! This is a historical fashion blog right? So why not do a sort of "fashion show" of Black fashion through the ages. From my previous research and knowledge on what was worn from Western Europe, and America (Africa has a LOT of different types of fashion that I would have to research the entire spectrum of what the fashion was for each country and the time periods in which what was trending and what was cultural, and Eastern European fashion was a bit harder for me to come across) there was a lot of ground to cover-so I narrowed it down to just a few photos and in centuries dating as far back as the Medieval times to the the 1960's. Medieval/ Renaissance Era ...