2019 Winter Civilian Immersion Day
Hey Everyone 😀 Just got back from completing another successful Winter Immersion Day at Historic London Town & Gardens . It was a very frigid Saturday (low in the 30's and dropping, to the point where you could see your breath the majority of the time). I mostly stayed as close to the fireplace between the Ferguson's Tailor Shop and the Brown House as much as possible. "Maria Boston" looking out for the Ferry We kicked off at 10AM when the museum opened. This year, I portrayed Maria Boston: A woman formerly enslaved by the Sprigg family of the South River area in Annapolis, MD. According to the lawsuit, Maria and 23 of her family members sued their master for unlawful enslavement, since their Grandmother was identified as a "Hispaniola woman" from Portugal. According to Maryland law at that time, no person(s) of non-African descent were to be enslaved....Can you imagine that? Only one race and their descendents were by law to be the only ones...