2019 George Washington Birthnight Ball

Just got back from the George Washington Birthnight Banquet & Ball at the Famous Gadsby's Tavern Museum in Alexandria, Virginia. Though I have previously attended formal events at Gadsby's in the past, this was the first time I've ever attended their birthnight ball; in 2017 I attended another birthnight ball at Williamsburg's College of William & Mary where the venue was held. Fast-forwarding to Saturday night's events, I really had a great time. WE'RE LOOKING FABULOUUUUS! For those who aren't not familiar with birth night, it's an evening celebration of George Washington's birthday which was on February 22, 1732. While I do not know when and where the tradition actually started, a birthnight ball is held in his honor around the month of his birthday and has been going strong for almost 150+ years. The time period for this ball was pre-federal (1799) which was a few years after President Washington ended his term in 1797, once agai...