Journey To Judge: The Count Down Begins

"Whilst they were packing to go to Virginia, I too was packing to go, I didn't know where; for I knew that if I were to go back to Virginia, I shall never get my liberty. I had friends among the colored people of Philadelphia, they had my things carried there beforehand, and left Washington's house while they were eating dinner." 

- Ona Judge Staines, The Granite Freeman 1845

Hey everybody! Well this is it! After all of the research and development and promotions, it looks like we're finally coming into home stretch for this upcoming program. YAY! 

Even Kermit's hyped! 

So, to make sure that I had everything down packed, I practiced my script every day (I'm guilty for being stickler for perfection), and just in case I overlooked anything in my research, I referred back to my sources! 

Which meant taking a field trip to George Washington's Mount Vernon! 

On Sunday, my colleague Kyle and I arrived very early at the Plantation estate to once again meet up with my very talented cousin, Brenda Parker, who portrays an enslaved woman named Caroline Branham (a Custis slave of Martha Washington). As Brenda and I went over some last minute things in preparation for this weekend's program, Kyle and I also joined her for the afternoon tour where we were able to learn more about slave life at Mount Vernon. The tour called "Through my eyes".  I highly recommend taking this tour, because not only do you learn about the individuals that interacted with the Washingtons at Mount Vernon, but it really goes into detail about the men and women who were enslaved and how George and Martha really affected these individuals and their daily lives as well as how slavery affected the Washington-Custis slaves especially if they (married and produced children).  

Anyway as I wrap up the last remaining information for my research and start packing my things, I definitely want to say that this was an incredible journey. I had a lot of help from skilled researchers and character interpreters from both Colonial Williamsburg & Mount Vernon to guide me in the right direction of how to do create and develop this program properly (Guys, I'm forever in your gratitude <3) 

See you Saturday :D


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